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Let's grow your business together!
We are the consultants that DO.

As a business founder, you have an endless To-Do list and not enough time or resources to keep up with it, let alone to clear it. Working with Consultants can help you clarify direction, strategy and actions, but they will also add to your critical task list.

At Trujion, we work with you to get traction, take action and mobilise your team, products and business.

We are the additional co-founders you wish you had.
Let's talk
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We Help Companies With


We are working with founders on everything business-related, from funding to growth strategies to sales and marketing plans, to partnership strategies and execution. There are no domain-specific problems in a company. All business problems are connected.


We are helping companies design and build solutions based on their customers' needs. By focusing on user-centred design and employing design thinking methodologies, we help you prioritise features and build products that are pain killers, not vitamins.


We understand that all functions and activities in a business are interconnected and feed off each other. For a business to succeed and thrive, the processes and flow of information have to be seamless. Using the right tools in the right way will save you time, money and headache.

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A word from our founder

Hi, I’m Cristina

I started Trujion to help founders scale their business by plugging in the gap they have in their team. Being a former start-up founder, mentor and start-up accelerator co-founder I know how hard it is to run a business. The pressure to deliver, the lack of resources, the to-do list never shrinking give me the motivation to work with companies on their most pressing challenges.

I believe in helping founders grow and scale their business by assisting with those under-resourced tasks and ideas: being the additional co-founder you wish you had.

Connect with me

Companies I've Worked With


Cristina's business-leading and business-supporting credentials are clear, but her empathy for start-up and scaling enterprises and leaders is hugely enthusiastic and motivational. She helps the people themselves to understand ways of achieving the results they crave while building good habits and techniques.

John Collins

John Collins

Non-Executive Board Director

Cristina was so enthusiastic about our project, she had great ideas and came up with unprompted suggestions beyond the brief to make our blog, twitter site and website really good, useful and attractive. I cannot recommend her highly enough!

Oonagh Monahan

Oonagh Monahan

SWIBN, Network Manager

Cristina was integral to the success of various projects in Singlepoint. Her leadership, work ethic and management style ensured the successful delivery of major contracts for various Global and SME clients over the years. Cristina is very driven, she achieves results and maintains excellent relationships, ensuring project success.

William Waldron

William Waldron

Singlepoint, Client Services Director

Let's talk about your project

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Trujion Ltd
Dublin 15

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